Tuesday, 25 October 2011


What do you think when you look at these pictures of Enrique(Kike)? 

As if I hadn't had enough dramas with my alpacas this week, this is how Enrique appeared one morning.  My first re-action was that my stomach felt sick.  Enrique is the one who climbs trees and puts his feet up on top of fences.  He's the one who won't walk on a lead, but does give me a cuddle every morning when I hold my arms out to him.  What had he done now?

I did a quick about face and went up to the house to get a bucket of water, cloths and eucalyptus oil.

The next step was to corner my boy and have a good look at his face.  Fortunately it was as I had hoped.  He had been up a marree tree and the bloody coloured sap had fallen over his face.  (I believe the aboriginals used this as an antiseptic.)

Soapy water starts the removal process and this is followed by eucalyptus oil which around these big nostrils causes some decent chest coughs.

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